I think the pNode staking explanation could use an overhaul


Lol…:rofl:…“steak master”…uh…good one there…shame on you…lol…just kidding…:wink:

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What I suddenly feel like doing is putting a proverbial…“stake”…thru this whole business…lol…but no no…Jamie is right…what is it exactly we are trying to do here we seem to have gotten a bit lost in these woods all the while looking for a specific tree…and on a side note…I vote Aaron keep his admin hat…he has been awesome all along all things considered…thank you Aaron


*Admin hat back on *
Thank you @Tempestblack :smiley:

This is gonna be so cool. I can’t wait for this!


As a noob I just want clarification. I’ve just staked my pnode with the necessary 1750 prv.

The advantages are that the split for transactions and mining is 100% mine as opposed to the 65/35 split with funded staking.

However the 1750 is now dormant (just sitting there not earning the 37% )

I have to weigh the opportunity cost of earning from mining vs the 37% or using the prv to add liquidity?

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Yes exactly.

  1. Funded stake on pNode + 1750 PRV in staking pool
    For each earning epoch, the pNode will earn ~3.82 PRV. On statistical average, a node (pNode or vNode, doesn’t matter), has 8-10 selections per month. So maybe ~38.22 PRV (3.82 PRV x 10 selections) per month. Selection is random by design, so you may be selected much more than that OR much less. It is NOT consistent or predictable AT ALL. Meanwhile your staked pool PRV will earn around ~45 PRV before compounded interest. This earning is consistent and predictable. This brings your monthly total to around ~83 PRV per month (before interest). Around 55% of that will be consistent & predicatable from month-to-month (the staking pool earnings). The other 45% will ebb and flow with the random committee participation.
  2. Privately funded pNode
    The node will have the same random committee participation. But each epoch will now earn 10.92 PRV instead of ~3.82 PRV. So the same average number of earning epochs per month will earn you 109.2 PRV instead of ~38.22 PRV. Again this is highly dependent on random selection that can occur at much lower or higher frequencies than 10 per month. 100% of your earnings will ebb and flow with that random committee selection.

The choice may be whether you want some consistency in your earnings or you want to maximize your per epoch earnings regardless of consistency.


Building on what @Mike_Wagner said, it never hurts to diversify. If you put 1750 into the node, you could then reinvest the node earnings into the staking or liquidity pool. That way you can take advantage of both the higher random interest and the lower fixed interest.


At risk of being late to the party and staking a dead horse…

What about calling it “Proxy Staking” instead of funded staking?
You get to use the DAO’s PRV by proxy.