Improve pNode earnings by Allowing reinvesting earnings

One of the biggest disappointments with owning a pNode is the staking issue. New pNode owners are told that the pNode will be staked by Incognito at the cost of 75% of the earnings. No options are given for a pNode owner to buy in and stake his pnode.
There should be option to allow pNode owners to automatically use their earnings to buy into staking their node. Earnings that are reinvested will lower the amount Incognito staked and increase the percentage of earnings pNode owner keeps next cycle. This method will be attractive as it will increase earning for pNode owners over time.
The goal would be for the pNode owner to eventually buy back the whole stake(1750 PRV ) from Incognito and keep 100% of earnings.
This would make it attractive for new node owners as they would not need to add more money out of their pocket to get a full stake. Additionally the ability to increase PNode earning from 25% to 100% would be a strong selling point for new pNodes.

Hi @Silvercap718, thank you for your thoughtful feedbacks. It’s true that we need to give pNode owners the right to buy back the whole stake. We are aware of this and have been working hard to make it happen.
This feature is expected to go live by start of April. We will keep you posted.

This article was posted 8 days ago and has the info on how pNodes will work when all features are in place. What you mention is covered as well. The timeframe is March/April 2020.

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I see that the team is working at allowing
PNode owner to buy the full stake. What I am suggesting is that they allow node owners an option to reinvest their earnings (every epoch they earn in) to buy back the stake In increments . It would be a gradual process from the 25% to the 100% level. This would attract many more passive node owners.