My Node says "Import". What should I do?

After your Node was set up successfully, an associated account is created. This account will receive the rewards from the Node automatically when you make a withdrawal.
For some reason (re-install the app, add the Node on other devices), you have to restore the assigned account to remove this message.

1/ Tap on “Import” to start restoring your account

2/ Edit with your own name

In this case, I want my account name to match with the Node ID for easily tracking, but you can choose any name you want. It’s time to import the private key, which I saved before. Its format is 112… I copy and paste it here

Then, tap on “Import keychain” to finish the process

4/ Everything is good now.

5/ If you didn’t save the private key to restore the account. Please do not make any withdrawal until the message “Missing account” is removed.

We can help to update the assigned account of your Node to a new one. Please prepare the following:

  1. An ethernet cable to connect your Node to the router
  2. A computer connected to the above network
  3. install this software, it helps me to access your computer. Then, please send a message to my email: [email protected] to arrange a remote session.

I am having similar problem - I’m running a virtual node and I’m trying to add it by DNS name. If I use the DNS name the node goes to import keychain. If I use the IP address it works fine. I’d like to use the DNS name as my ip occasionally changes.