List Coin if Balance

I like the wallet feature that allows you to list and delist coins, but the totally manual nature of the coin listing feature may inadvertently hide funds.

If node owners don’t pay attention to the coins they’ve earned before withdrawing those earnings from a node, some of those coin balances remain hidden from them–unless they manually list in their wallet each type of coin they earned. I think the user experience could be smoothed out by allowing users to automatically list all currencies with a balance.

It might also be helpful, when looking at the list of coins to add, if a user’s balance could show up next to each option.


Seems mandatory! :smiley:


@nono2357, I agree!

Some of the node info lists common coins you can earn, like BTC, ETH, and BNB. So for now, it might be prudent for node owners to just list these coins in each node’s wallet (along with USDT, XMR, and DAI).

I’m not sure what other coins node owners regularly earn.