Mainnet network down?

Yes I noticed the transfers pending.

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12 hours without any new block.

@Team Could we get some info about that?



News from Telegram channel:

Capture d’écran 2020-04-24 à 07.29.14


New blocks found here: :+1:

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My transactions are still pending :confused:

My vnodes seem unlocked!

And my fullnode too:

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Transactions are mined :slight_smile:


Did we ever get an answer as to what happened?

hey @jared, @inccry, @raz, @br4ave, @Silvercap718 - here are more details about today’s network issue:

thank you for being patient with us today!


No new shard blocks since 1hour :grimacing:

Concerning, any update coming?

We are aware and working on it.

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what the f is this this is the second time i wanted to make a payment and it does not work,how can one use a wallet that does not work,i cant wait a day for this to fix i need to make a payment now!this time i transfort prv from my staking acount to the pdex acount and its stuk at “procecing”???

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New shard blocks are found and new transactions are mined.

back to business!

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I don’t think things are ready yet to go main stream

(Shard 3 is still stucked, so if your transaction is processed by this shard, it won’t validate)


I personally love wild west things, all crypto projects are something similar in the very beginning, however Incognito clearly needs time & under heavy development atm, even the mobile app gets updates every few days.

Other projects are still testing their sharded PoS chains. We are living it! Its fascinating, but also very depressing when something goes wrong and we all stressed out.


We will give an official announcement soon. In the mean time, all of the pending transactions is fully processed.
If you have any problems with your transaction, please send Jamie/ me a private message so we can check manually.

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A post was split to a new topic: Mainnet is down