[SOLVED] Why is sending out from pDex account disabled?

I think the question is the clear :slight_smile: Three possibilities come to my mind:
1- To earn more fees :slight_smile:
2- Preventing an anonymity breach
3- Some technical requirements/difficulties

Which one(s) is the correct answer or whatnot?

2 would be the correct answer.


If 2 is correct, could it possible to make sending out optional (maybe giving warning) instead of disabling?

Due to privacy, we don’t want to expose the user’s information using pDEX. So, we disabled the sending out feature on pDex account.


I think that would be a bad idea. Kind of contradicting with what privacy is about. The Incognito project is about making the world aware privacy is a must. Opening loopholes like that won’t do much good.

It will also make things more confusing, especially for people new to crypto in general.

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The loophole already exists. I get what I want via API. The current solution is just for novice users. You may think it as “security by obscurity”.

I had wallet users in mind.

So… Sending from pDEX to other internal wallets also has to be disabled? If I trade it has to be done from pDEX, correct? So now everything I trade is stuck there and I can’t transfer to my other private wallets? I could understand not sending directly from pDEX to a major exchange… I don’t understand why I cannot transfer from internal wallet to internal wallet if pDEX is involved. I can transfer things around between other internal wallets just fine. Is that supposed to happen as well?


Withdraw your funds from pDex first. Then send them anywhere you like.


I’ve removed my liquidity, and it’s moved into my pDEX.

in the pDEX there is no option to send to other wallets I have in-network. Only to add more. How do I get these funds out of my pDEX wallet so that I can stake, trade, etc?

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To stake or to trade, you don’t need to get your fund out of pDEX “account” (not wallet, the wallet contains all of your accounts in the app). In fact, to trade, you have to use pDEX account. However, if you want to send your funds or not to use your pDEX account , then you should use “Withdraw” function first.

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You will find the Withdraw function in the 3-dots menu at the upper right of the Trade tab.

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Helped, thank you.

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