Question on return of liquidity supplier

I have added about 1200 PRV into liquidity pool for 2 weeks, but it shows my return is only 0.9 PRV, it should be 1200*62.7%/365*14=28.8 PRV.


What pool? USDT, BTC, ETH?

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The same issue. Mine shows around 0.008 PRV. 4 days passed after Monday. If it shows weekly earnings, it should be around 0.1 * 4/7 ~ 0.06 PRV. If it shows the total earnings from the beginning, it should be 0.26 PRV.

Note: My investment was 10 PRV and ~0.0066 BTC.

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prv xmr

Looking for team’s reply, they are always very responsive.

Hey @jindouyunz !

  1. If you added liquidity a week or two weeks ago. You should be receiving weekly reward every Monday. It’s distributed automatically on your pDEX wallet (on the moment it happens you should receive notification)

  2. The dashboard was launched yesterday, so automated counting started from the same moment.

  3. On Monday, next bunch of rewards will be distributed. After it happened, you also get the notification of landed PRV and the dashboard count will be refreshed.

So I suggest:

  1. Double check if you received reward for the past week on monday (DM your pdex wallet if not)
  2. Wait until next Monday to receive reward for current week (it will be bigger than on the dashboard)

It helps, thanks.