Sending a transaction with multiple inputs takes forever


I’m trying to send few thousands of PRV from my wallet, and it takes forever. In this wallet, there are multiple inputs with 10, 20 or 30 PRV.

My phone, an iPhone 11 Pro, gets very hot and I have to kill the app.

What can I do in this situation?



Are you sending x thousand transactions or is the total amount of PRV involved with the transactions you are doing x thousand PRV?


Hi @Jamie, I try to send 1000 or 2000 PRV in one transaction. All the PRV available in this wallet are from stacking earnings, so I have a lot of inputs of 10, 20 or 30 PRV in this wallet.

If I try to send a smallest transaction, it works fine.

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Sending 1000 or 2000 PRV in one transaction should not be a problem, it is just one transaction. I fail to understand how received amounts would interfere with sending amounts.

Unless you mean something else, sending PRV is just one transaction, doesn’t matter how small or large the amount is.

Hi @Jamie,

Because when you send a transaction, you spend “InputCoins”.

If you look at this transaction , you can see in the Proof detail panel that it spends 3 “InputCoin” and create 2 “OutputCoin”.

And I think there is a problem when a transaction spends a lot of inputs, maybe it takes forever to calculate signatures, idk, but it’s definitely related to the number of input coins you spend :wink: